Thursday, March 24, 2011

Magnetic System Developement

At the moment I'm creating a series of lines, then dividing them into points, then calculating the deformations from the attractor point by comparing the distance to the attractor to a threshold, then creating a vector and translating the point using that vector. The new lines are then being offset and then lofted into a series of surfaces.

I'm using a bunch of nested series' to select the precise list elements that i want to draw the lines between.

After much experimentation with developing my own attractor systems to create a magnetic effect, ive realised that this method is an overly complex and bloated method of creating a grid, a more clean solution would be to use a point grid component. However the main advantage (which im yet to experiment with) is that ill be able to control the length and positioning of each row of points which creates the grid and lines.

Where to from here?

Im thinking of creating a truss system to apply to this system that will create a complex structural skeleton.

Paneling a parametric geometry that will have a relationship to the attractor point along lofted surfaces.

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